On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:08:39PM -0500, Corey Wright wrote:
> yes, recently upgrading from squeeze to wheezy i encountered such error
> messages as:
Thank you all for your detailed suggestions!
> > On 07/10/2013 18:32, Cristian Rigamonti wrote:
> > > Hi, anyone has experience in upgrading a vserver guest from Debian squeeze to
> > > wheezy, while still running plain Debian squeeze on the host?
> what's "plain Debian squeeze"? is that debian squeeze without linux-vserver
> (but then how are you upgrading the guest without resorting to a primitive
> chroot)?
By "plain Debian" I meant running only Debian official packages, especially the
vserver-enabled Debian kernel in squeeze (not one of the unofficial kernels listed at
http://linux-vserver.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Were_can_I_get_newer_versions_of_VServer_as_ready_made_packages_for_Debian.3F )
> just this weekend i upgraded a guest from lenny (yeah, some of my guests have
> gone neglected) to squeeze to wheezy on a squeeze host without any major
> issues and only the minor issue of re-enabling the aforementioned init
> scripts, which is independent of the host.
Ok. Besides problems _during_ the upgrade procedure, did anyone find problems
_after_the upgrade, in running services like apache, postgres, mysql etc?
Thanks again!
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