I would strongly suggest you to "upgrade" to a recent kernel from one of
the listed repos, it can be done without any issues on the guest (except
that it requires a reboot to load the new kernel), the 3.2 kernel from
Beng works fine for me on both Debian Squeeze and Debian Wheezy.
Its also possible to upgrade from Squeeze to Wheezy with this repo
configured without any issues for the guests.
I didnt encounter any specific issues from upgrading from Squeeze to
Wheezy on VServer containers but you still can hit the same issues as on
a non container system such as scripts not well coded that doesnt like
to be ran on php5.4 or htaccess files with deprecated syntax on
Apache2.4 or custom compiled tools that rely on old versions of
libraries that gets removed as not used anymore.
One specific point is Dovecot that had some of its configuration
parameters changed which could make a "simple" upgrade impossible.
On 14/10/2013 11:00, Cristian Rigamonti wrote:
> By "plain Debian" I meant running only Debian official packages, especially the
> vserver-enabled Debian kernel in squeeze (not one of the unofficial kernels listed at
> http://linux-vserver.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Were_can_I_get_newer_versions_of_VServer_as_ready_made_packages_for_Debian.3F )
> Ok. Besides problems _during_ the upgrade procedure, did anyone find problems
> _after_the upgrade, in running services like apache, postgres, mysql etc?
> Thanks again!
> Cri
Received on Mon Oct 14 11:18:27 2013