As far as I know the only nice thing in openvz and freevps that is to my
knowledge missing in linux-vserver is virtual network devices. Other
than that, vserver is much better due to the huge community support that
you will most probably not get from swsoft since they are more
interested in selling virtuozzo than supporting the free openvz.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Herbert
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 5:45 PM
To: Eugen Leitl
Subject: Re: [Vserver] VServer vs OpenVZ
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 01:20:13PM +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Before I try OpenVZ I would like to hear comments of people who've ran
> both VServer and OpenVZ, preferrably on the same hardware, on how both
> compare.
keep in mind, that I'm somewhat biased here ...
(will use Z for OpenVZ and S for Linux-VServer)
> Factors of interest are
> - stability,
Z: the announcement reads "first stable OVZ version"
S: we are at version 2.0.1 (> two years stable releases)
> - Debian support,
Z: afaik they are redhat oriented (and recently
trying to get gentoo support done)
S: L-VS is in sarge (although with older/broken packages)
but either using recent packages or compiling the tool
yourself works pretty fine on debian
> - hardware utilization,
Z: no idea
S: support for 90% of all kernel archs at (almost) native
speed (utilization? I'd say 100% if required)
> - documentation and
Z: no idea
S: the wiki, the L-VS paper(s) and google
> - community support,
Z: irc channel and forum/bug tracker
S: ML, irc channel (I guess we have excellent support)
> - security.
guess both projects are trying to keep high security
and IMHO the security is at least as high as with the
vanilla kernel release ...
> My planned usage is VServers in a hosting setting.
> --
> Eugen* Leitl leitl
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