On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 01:20:13PM +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Before I try OpenVZ I would like to hear comments of people
> who've ran both VServer and OpenVZ, preferrably on the same
> hardware, on how both compare.
keep in mind, that I'm somewhat biased here ...
(will use Z for OpenVZ and S for Linux-VServer)
> Factors of interest are
> - stability,
Z: the announcement reads "first stable OVZ version"
S: we are at version 2.0.1 (> two years stable releases)
> - Debian support,
Z: afaik they are redhat oriented (and recently
trying to get gentoo support done)
S: L-VS is in sarge (although with older/broken packages)
but either using recent packages or compiling the tool
yourself works pretty fine on debian
> - hardware utilization,
Z: no idea
S: support for 90% of all kernel archs at (almost) native
speed (utilization? I'd say 100% if required)
> - documentation and
Z: no idea
S: the wiki, the L-VS paper(s) and google
> - community support,
Z: irc channel and forum/bug tracker
S: ML, irc channel (I guess we have excellent support)
> - security.
guess both projects are trying to keep high security
and IMHO the security is at least as high as with the
vanilla kernel release ...
> My planned usage is VServers in a hosting setting.
> --
> Eugen* Leitl leitl http://leitl.org
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Received on Tue Dec 6 15:45:04 2005