Le 14/01/2015 21:30, Gordan Bobic a écrit :
> Has anyone managed to get VServer running properly on EL7 or any other
> systemd based distribution?
> All major distributions have, to my huge disappointment, moved to
> systemd .I am not a fan, but this terrible decision on part of all
> major distribution maintainers seems to be here to stay for at least
> the foreseeable future of the current long-term release cycle.
> Consequently, if VServer cannot be made to work with systemd based
> guests, the only option is to abandon systemd for a different similar
> solution (LXC or OpenVZ). I would prefer to not have to do this, but I
> don't see any other options. My current system is reaching it's EOL,
> and when I build it's replacement I will be doing so using EL7.
> Is there a way to make a systemd based guest work inside a VServer
> chroot?
> Gordan
i tired but i hit a walll. The first thing systemd documentation says
about containers is that you can use it in container but must give all
cap sysadmin access to it therefor negating the purpose of it (
isolation). As systemD need complete access to everything cap sysadmin
you cannot use it with lxc or container and be even remotly secure.
In fact systemd try to be a mini container system by itself therefor
it directly compete with vserver and LXC access controls and i do not
think it will be possible to use it without cap sysadmin.
Received on Thu Jan 15 16:36:51 2015