Has anyone managed to get VServer running properly on EL7 or any other
systemd based distribution?
All major distributions have, to my huge disappointment, moved to
systemd .I am not a fan, but this terrible decision on part of all major
distribution maintainers seems to be here to stay for at least the
foreseeable future of the current long-term release cycle. Consequently,
if VServer cannot be made to work with systemd based guests, the only
option is to abandon systemd for a different similar solution (LXC or
OpenVZ). I would prefer to not have to do this, but I don't see any
other options. My current system is reaching it's EOL, and when I build
it's replacement I will be doing so using EL7.
Is there a way to make a systemd based guest work inside a VServer chroot?
Received on Wed Jan 14 20:30:42 2015