Linux Vserver on Wheezy Host and Guests]
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On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 11:21:54AM -0400, wrote:
> PS: have been messing around getting Vserver to work with pacemaker/heartbeat, and header/LSB stuff also a problem there so if make progress will pass it along.
I use the attached OCF Script to start/stop VServers on clusters. I
usually build them on one drbd per VServer and manage them one by one.
If needed I wrote a script that starts all VServers with a given mark
in one go and makes sure they are all up. However, that one is only used
in one place atm and not as well tested as the attached one.
-- LiHAS - Adrian Reyer - Hessenwiesenstraße 10 - D-70565 Stuttgart Fon: +49 (7 11) 78 28 50 90 - Fax: +49 (7 11) 78 28 50 91 Mail: - Web: Linux, Netzwerke, Consulting & Support - USt-ID: DE 227 816 626 Stuttgart