On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 09:17:57AM +0100, Phil Daws wrote:
> Hello all,
> I moved a guest between servers over the weekend and when I
> attempted to start it I received the following error:
> Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could
> not bind to address
without details about the involved kernels/patches and
util-vserver versions it's always hard to tell ...
> I checked its etc/hosts and that did not have the loopback
> address in it. I even tried binding the IP address on Listen in
> httpd.conf.
> There are two other guests on the server that run an Apache
> instance and NGINX as-well. I shut both of them down and
> then the moved guest could happily start Apache. If I shut
> everything down and started the NGINX guest first followed by
> the existing Apache instance both work fine.
guessing from this description I'd say you either have
incomplete guest isolation or a broken kernel ...
> Any thoughts as to why this moved guest cannot start Apache ?
> It is though something is completely glomming port 80 :(
in addition to the abovementioned information the guest
config for all involved guests would be helpful as well
> --
> Thanks, Phil
Received on Tue Apr 24 00:38:21 2012