Re: [vserver] RE : VServer vs OpenVZ.

From: Art -kwaak- van Breemen <>
Date: Fri 10 Dec 2010 - 15:17:25 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 03:11:27PM +0100, Grzegorz Nosek wrote:
> This is basically what I'm after, making the host a virtual
> switch/router/firewall for the guests.

Script type 2:
ard@marvel:/root/vserver$ cat scripts/setup_network_namespace
#!/bin/bash -x
echo ARGS "$@"

stringasmac() {
        echo "$1"|sed 's/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)/\1:\2:\3:\4:\5:\6/'

case "$1" in
                echo a PID: $!
                # Setup the vlan anyway you like it. I prefer ifup
                #ifup "${DEVNAME}"
                #ip link add link bond0 name "${DEVNAME}" type vlan id ${VID}
                read CONTEXTID < /etc/vservers/${VSERVER}/context
                echo $CONTEXTID
                MACSTRING=$(printf "%04x" $VID)$(printf "%04x" $CONTEXTID)
                MACADDRC=$(stringasmac 02${MACSTRING}00)
                MACADDRH=$(stringasmac 02${MACSTRING}01)
                ip link add name ${HOSTDEV} type veth peer name ${CLIENTDEV}
                ip link set address ${MACADDRC} dev ${CLIENTDEV}
                ip link set address ${MACADDRH} dev ${HOSTDEV}
                brctl addif ${BRIDGEDEV} ${HOSTDEV}
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- /usr/lib/util-vserver/vprocunhide
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- ip li set up dev lo
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- sh -c 'while echo $$;do :; done'|(read aPid;ip li set dev "$CLIENTDEV" netns $aPid)
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- ip a add `awk '/me-'${CLIENTDEV}'/ { print $1 $4 }' /etc/hosts` dev "${CLIENTDEV}"
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- ip li set up dev "${CLIENTDEV}"
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- ip ro add default via `awk '/gw-'${CLIENTDEV}'/ { print $1 }' /etc/hosts`
                ip li set up dev "${HOSTDEV}"
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- ip li set down dev "${CLIENTDEV}"
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- ip li set down dev lo
                vspace -e "$2" --net -- ip link del "${CLIENTDEV}"
exit 0

Assumptions: guest is still called v${id} . In /etc/hosts a netmask is added behind the name: me-vblaat-guest # /24

The only real difference with the other script is the creation of veth devices
and thinking up the mac address.

This was the part where I hit the wall when using post-start, while actually
some "daemon" must be started in pre-initialize which can give the guest it's
device when it exists, and the guest should have an init script that waits for
the device to appear.
I currently do not have a setup ready in which I can change and test the moving
of the script to preinit.

Anyway: have fun with it.

BTW: I was trying to document this, but nothing but
came out of my head. I usually have an interpreter with me when talking to
management and such, so that might explain a bit ;-).
Received on Fri Dec 10 15:17:40 2010

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