On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 08:20:34PM +0100, Remigiusz Modrzejewski wrote:
> Hi,
> As probably most of you have heard, Google is organizing a thing
> called /Summer of Code/. This is a program where they pay students
> to work on open source projects. This means, that projects who
> participate, may get some students to work for them full time for more
> than two months. On the other hand, the students get paid 4500$ for
> their work (and the project gets another 500$ per student).
> As all of us know, there are some areas where VServer could use some
> extra manhours. It's also a very interesting and widely-used project,
> probably attractive for many would-be GSoC students. Therefore I
> suggest trying to get Google Summer of Code students working on
> Linux-VServer.
> What needs to be done is:
> - form the needs into projects that can be realized by a single person
> in two months
> - find volunteers to be mentors for these projects
> - apply before the deadline of March 13
> Mentor is a person that should have the skills and knowledge to
> lead the student - show him where to start, what to read, ask his
> questions, review his code and so on. He should be reasonably
> available through most of the time. Being a good mentor takes about
> 6-10 hours per week.
> What can be expected depends heavily on students individual
> capabilities, but at general a couple thousand lines of quality C
> code are realistic. On the other hand, participating at this kind of
> movements helps to promote the project (SoC receives a fair share of
> press attention, especially at universities).
> A good place to start reading would be the FAQ:
> http://code.google.com/opensource/gsoc/2009/faqs.html
thanks for the info, and sorry for the late reply
Linux-VServer did register as organization with GSoC
at the earliest possible time. the ideas suggested can
be found here: http://linux-vserver.org/GSoC_Ideas
we'll see what the GSoC folks decide soon ...
> Kind regards,
> Remigiusz 'lRem' Modrzejewski
> --
> Cz??onek Ko??a Naukowego Sfera
> Administrator sphere.pl
> JID: lrem@maxnet.org.pl
> http://lrem.net
Received on Wed Mar 18 11:48:26 2009