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From: Enrico Scholz (enrico.scholz_at_informatik.tu-chemnitz.de)
Date: Fri 22 Apr 2005 - 18:48:39 BST

csdlaval_at_hotmail.com ("Commission Scolaire de Laval Laval") writes:

> I believe I'm experiencing problems with my vserver since I miss a
> great amount of commands, like "passwd" and "rpm" for example. I'd
> like to know what I did wrong.

Nothing; it is intended to work in this way. Depending on your vserver,
none of these two commands are needed (e.g. only 5 of my 70 vservers have
'passwd' and only 15 have 'rpm'). The standard buildmethod adds only a
minimal set of packages which are required by every vserver. For RH based
distributions, this is the 'coreutils' package (plus its dependencies).

Too much packages result only in problems (security + update strategy
related ones) so you should install only the needed ones. E.g. when you
want an http server, just execute 'vapt-get vserv1 -- install httpd'.

When you really want a certain package in every vserver, you could add
its name into /etc/vservers/.distributions/.../pkgs/my-packages after
copying the standard packageset (from IRC logs I see, that you will know
about what I am speaking ;)). *Never* modify the standard 01, 02, 03
files; they are full of hacks to workaround problems which might break
with additional packages.


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