From: Bjoern Steinbrink (
Date: Thu 27 Jan 2005 - 14:41:30 GMT
On 2005.01.27 15:01:40 +0100, Oliver Welter wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have a question on building new vserver...
> My scenario: I have "/vservers/template" with a ready-to-run Suse inside
> and want to create new vServer instance from it. So this means copying
> over the whole directory to a new one, modifiy some configfiles inside
> and create a config entry for the server.
> I found the page about "vskel" but cant fetch the programm becsue all
> links are broken. Beside this does not fit exectly what I need....
The vserver-build skeleton method is probably what you're looking for:
vserver <name> build -m skeleton <opts>*
cp -a /path/to/template /path/to/new/vserver
> The only-help of "vserver build" shows up a type "copy" what does what I
> need, but I cant call it because it seems not to be included in the
> alpha utils
That one probably wouldn't do what you want, it's a copy-from-host
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