On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:24:09AM +0200, Urban Loesch wrote:
> But we have some requirements to run a few fully virtualized guests like redhat or centos
> where we need some specific kernels to run in the guest. This special guests don't need many recources
> so we are thinking to run it on the some server together with some of our linux-vserver guests.
> Have anyone of you experience with a setup like this?
Works fine on several production servers.
We have virtualized several versions of centos and windows in KVM
on vserver hosts running debian.
Example setup might be something like two X5675 CPUs resulting in 48 logical
cores with 192 GB RAM which runs one KVM with a data center application in Windows
and 10 VServers containing some database servers (mysql, progress, mongodb)
with about 450 GB of data serving about 500-600 online users in parallel.
Host uptime is 500 days as is the kvm uptime.
Typical system load about 1, sometimes (backup) up to 40.
The Windows KVM likes to consume 10-15% CPU and 4% RAM
Another setup runs 2 KVM (Win+Centos) on one 5130 (4C) with 16GB RAM
and 5 vservers.
So: yes it runs fine.
> We intend to use kernel 3.10.x.
No practical experiences with this one so far ;)
The host kernel of the system mentioned is 3.2.2-vs2.3.2.6 (deb 7.1).
HTH, chris
-- LiHAS - Adrian Reyer - Hessenwiesenstraße 10 - D-70565 Stuttgart Fon: +49 (7 11) 78 28 50 90 - Fax: +49 (7 11) 78 28 50 91 Mail: lihas_at_lihas.de - Web: http://lihas.de Linux, Netzwerke, Consulting & Support - USt-ID: DE 227 816 626 StuttgartReceived on Thu Aug 29 10:36:58 2013