Hi Ben
Thanks for the very quick anser.
I've got my brand new Wheezy development environment in a vserver and
I'm ready to begin.
When I last compiled Linux (about ten years ago) I used to do:
make menuconfig
do the config change
make bzImage && make modules && make modules_install
I never thought I would need to this again since the major distros
contain reliable up-to-date kernels - regrettably Debian dropped vserver
I have read of several way to build 'the Debian way' so that the result
is a .deb package with the new kernel. Do you have a suggestion - please
point me to a suitable web page.
I don't seem to be able to download your util-verser sources with
apt-get. Is this what I should be doing? I have the original tar from
http://linux-vserver.org/Welcome_to_Linux-VServer.org. Maybe I should
just compile this.
Thank you in advance
On 22/05/13 12:14, Ben Green wrote:
> Quoting Allan Latham <alatham@flexsys-group.de>:
>> Hi all
>> I have had good results testing the latest -beng kernel:
>> 3.2.44-vs2.3.2.16-beng #1 SMP Thu May 16 23:46:34 BST 2013 x86_64
>> Now I wanted to try to make a mini-kernel and compile util-vserver so
>> that I know I have the latest.
>> I am not certain I can find the latest. For example I am running the
>> following util-vserver (also from beng):
>> 0.30.216-pre3038-1 amd64
>> The latest sources I can find are 0.30.215 from 2008.
>> This does not fill me with confidence that I have the right versions.
> The latest versions are listed here.
> http://linux-vserver.org/Welcome_to_Linux-VServer.org
> The latest util-vserver being at the bottom of the page.
> For a mini-kernel, you can use the linux-sources packages from
> repo.psand.net (e.g. linux-source-vserver-3.2-beng), or get mainline and
> then patch your own. 3.2 is the latest kernel I currently support on
> that repo.
> Cheers,
> Ben
Received on Wed May 22 15:59:01 2013