Quoting Etienne Vogt <Etienne.Vogt@obspm.fr>:
> The critical systems are fine, they happily run Vserver on Debian squeeze
> with the official Debian packages.
> But as you know, Vserver support is dropped for wheezy and I have to look
> for alternatives, and the LiHas unofficial packages seems to be the best
> alternative to official Debian support.
> The problem is on a test system upgraded from squeeze to wheezy.
Where are these LiHas packages? I've not been attentive to the mailing
list, but I can't find a mention of them on the Linux-Vserver wiki or
anywhere either. Are they in a public repository anywhere and if not,
would you like them to be?
Received on Fri Apr 26 11:56:00 2013