At the moment debian offers 2.6 kernels (as mentioned in vserver install docs
- a link from here, and I suspect
that these are old. I suppose that the way to test is to install required
kernel image (as for latest is 3.4.1) with appropriate 2.3.x.x experimental
patch, plus util-vserver package.
I would be thankful if you can point to prebuild packaged binary. I plan to
run it on ubuntu precise, but before try I am afraid of udev and modules since
host runs lvm2 disk layout. Can be this a problem for vserver-enabled kernel
On Чт, 14 июн 12 10:56:50 Ben Green wrote:
> Which one are you testing on Debian or Ubuntu? Neither have packages
> for kernels in their own repositories. I maintain some repositories
> for Debian, I don't know of a repo for Ubuntu. So personally I would
> go for Debian and my packages. The bias in this opinion should be
> readily apparent though.