I have in the moment curious networktroubles
The system is a Centos 6.2 fully updated.
Kernel and Utils are from rpm.hozac.com
on this server is running a Vserver Centos 5 with samba und a qemu with
windows xp
It's running without any troubles 1 Month or so now,
normaly I have 60Mbit by samba file copy.
if the server is resarted it begin after 2 hourers or a days later that
they have errors in the connection.
in this time I have only 128kbit by file copy and the ping to the server is
on gbLan over 90ms.
The strange is that the virtuell xp have no troubles, all is running fine,
if I stop all virtual servers the ping to the hostsystem makes no change,
only reboot bring back normal status.
I have looked in top, netstat, logs nothing, also stopping alles
unnesessary service make no change..
so I have change the networkcard from an intel Destopadapter to a realtech,
the result is that the troubles came faster back.
The last idea I have is that the motherboard is overclocking the pci bus..
and i have to change to a pci-e card
if anyone have an better idea for me I would be happy.
-- RomanReceived on Fri Mar 9 12:44:01 2012