On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 17:03:24 +0200, Roman Vesely <roman@liten.cz>
>> > I prefer stable and supported system.
>> > (Debian stable, LTS kernel from kernel.org and LTS
>> > vserver patch, like 2.2.0.x branch or openvz style support)
>> I don't see OpenVZ support anything but RHEL ...
>> I also take this as vote for 2.6.32.x, please clarify
>> if I'm mistaken ...
> Yes, I thought 2.6.32.x
> 2.6.32 is best choice for sysadmin's (used by all major
> distributions)
I think that is only a sensible course of action iif (if and only if)
2.6.38.x will NOT work on the major distributions. If 2.6.38.x will work
on RHEL6 and whatever the latest version of stable Debian is, then I
think it should be preferred to 2.6.32.x. Since a distro-patched kernel
is unlikely to take a vanilla VServer patch anyway, sticking with the
distro kernel seems like a wrong choice, considering that distro kernels
(RHEL's at least) come with many, many fixes and updates from much later
kernels applied.
Provided that 2.6.38.x (or 3.0.x) work on the current stable distros,
what specific disadvantage do you see in using 2.6.38.x instead of
2.6.32.x? It's not like one will be more supportable (in the sense of
the main distro) than the other.
Received on Thu Jul 28 16:20:06 2011