Le 15/03/2011 16:31, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson a écrit :
> Sam Przyswa wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What is the right way to copy a running vserver ?
>> The google search talk about vserver-copy but I haven't this utility on
>> my system and an apt-file search give nothing.
>> I use Debian 5.0 and 2.6.32-bpo.4-vserver-686-bigmem kernel.
>> Thanks for your help.
> Depends on what you want to do. If you're moving a guest and want as
> small of a downtime window as possible, I'd suggest:
> rsync -HzaxvP --numeric-ids /vservers/<guest>/ root@server:/vservers/<guest>/
> rsync -HzaxvP --numeric-ids /vservers/<guest>/ root@server:/vservers/<guest>/
> vserver<guest> stop
> rsync -HzaxvP --numeric-ids /vservers/<guest>/ root@server:/vservers/<guest>/
> vserver<guest> start
> If you just want to clone one that is running, where the services
> don't keep any significant state (i.e. no database), simply use the
> rsync or clone build methods.
I tried to find doc about clone build method but nothing found, if you
have a link, thanks in advance.
I found vcopy and vrescue but not tested yet...
Thanks for your help.
Received on Tue Mar 15 18:12:00 2011