On Fri, Mar 04, 2011 at 09:32:59AM -0800, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> Well it seems my Linux-Vserver presentation proposal is getting some
> interest (first page of the most popular sessions) so I better get
> working on it. :-)
> Since it will be from a Administrative/User perspective (ie. mine)
> I would like to add some broader statistics to the presentation.
> What Linux-Vserver is running on (hardware),
in general, any hardware supported by Linux will be fine
for Linux-VServer, if you encounter any issues, consider
them a bug and report them to us ...
in particular, I had/have Linux-VServer running on:
- x86/x86_64
- powerpc/powerpc64/xbox360
- ia64
- hppa/pa-risc
- s390/x
- arm
- mips
> how many guests per host,
typically 30-40, but in some cases just a single guest,
and in other cases up to 1000 guests for testing purposes
(not Linux-VServer testing :)
> which distribution(s) for the host(s)/guests(s),
mostly Mandrake/Mandriva/Mageia here but for guests also:
- redhat
- debian
- gentoo
> and types of applications the guests are running.
from typical web setups over specialized tunneling
solutions to build environment and specific low resource
test setups (often with only a single process per guest)
> From watching this list I know some of you are doing some really
> interesting stuff with Linux-Vserver. Come on all you lurkers.
> So my request is to anyone willing to share this type of information.
> Either as a reply to the list or as a private message. I will remove
> any identifying information (unless you want some free advertising)
> before using it in the presentation.
> I am also interested in how the developers and those providing
> support to the project (repos, templates, patches, utilities) are
> using Linux-Vserver or making money from Linux-Vserver.
for my part, whenever I need lightweight isolation, I'm
using Linux-VServer for the job, after all, that's why
I got involved in the first place ...
if simple isolation doesn't cut it (usually when other
operating systems are involved) I use kvm on the host
as well
> TIA,
> Rod
> --
Received on Tue Mar 8 12:47:40 2011