Re: [vserver] Shall I try with vs2. or 2.6.37 with vs2.3.0.37-rc3 on gentoo?

From: Marcus Mülbüsch <>
Date: Tue 08 Mar 2011 - 12:39:32 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Am 08.03.2011 13:16, schrieb Christian Bricart:
> Marcus Mülbüsch wrote:
>> With the vserver-sources- and util-vserver-0.30.216_pre2910
>> [..]
>> The only thing that didn't work was the "Oxford OX16PCI958 multiport
>> card". Seems our card was defunct.
> vserver-sources- is based on 2.6.35 - in your original posting
> you stated, that drivers for your card are in>=2.6.36 ..
> Maybe that's why it's (still) "defunct" :)

Luckily I was wrong in my original post! (But for a moment my heart fell
down below ground level for I thought it was all my fault.)

Drivers are in 2.6.35, so the drivers are here now; I checked.

What really made me believe the the card is defunct is that a windows
machine does not handle the serial ports correctly, too. Plus the fact
that my boss checked and the signal level was below the 5V that the
manual says the card has. So some modems on the card did not respond;
some did sometimes...

Received on Tue Mar 8 12:39:43 2011

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