On 6/09/10 4:54 PM, ben@bristolwireless.net wrote:
> Quoting "Mike O'Connor" <vserver@pineview.net>:
>> I can not use the prebuild debian packages at
>> http://repo.psand.net/info/ as they insist on having the files in
>> locations which break my system.
> Even the util-vserver-basic-debian ones? They use the same locations
> as Debian does by default.
> Ta,
> ==
> From Ben Green
The past packages have required the files in /var/lib/vservers and the
config in /etc/vservers, but earlier ones needed /vservers so I have
both via binds.
But the util-vserver-basic-debian has a whole lot of rules which will
not allow the package to install.
Received on Wed Sep 8 09:30:53 2010