Hi All,
I am trying to install Linux vserver on centos-5.3. I installed it, when i
boot linux vserver kernel ( i got the following
*"device eth0 has differenct MAC address than expected, ignoring"*
it is working fine when i boot centos 5.3 kernel.
i checked /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0. There is an entry with
HWADDR with ethernet address.
In network configuration GUI. I found that the network adapters are
different in both kernels. In centos-5.3 it is "*Intel corporation 82567LM-3
gigabit*" network, where as in linux vserver it is "*e1000e"*.
System: Dell optiplex 760.
OS: centos-5.3 32 bit.
Can anyone tell me how solve this problem? If you need any further details
please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Received on Fri May 28 07:06:33 2010