On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 09:45:44PM +1100, Fog_Watch wrote:
> Seasons greetings,
> In my host, automount mounts and umounts successfully.
> But I am not interested in that.
> I want to automount in my guest.
> In my guest only mounting is successful. umount is only
> possible manually or by /etc/init.d/autofs restart.
the fact that this works shows that the problem in your
setup is probably not Linux-VServer related, as there
should be no difference between manual umount and the
umount autofs does ...
> /var/log/syslog records:
> automount[27362]: umount_autofs_indirect: ask umount returned
> busy /mnt/removables
so somebody or something is keeing that mountpoint busy
> Busy! I don't know what with.
means something is holding a reference to some part of
the mount path, use fuser/lsof to identify obvious
userspace apps, but could be something not so obvious
(like e.g. the kernel nfs) as well
> Do you good people have any ideas or experience with this?
> Regards
> Fog_Watch.
> # automount -V | grep version
> Linux automount version 5.0.3
> # uname -r
I'd try without grsec or at least with grsec disabled
> # cat /etc/vservers/(vserver name)/bcapabilities | grep SYS_ADMIN
giving SYS_ADMIN basically makes your guest almost as
powerful as the host, so you could simply put the autofs
on the host and make it blend through to the guest name
spaces ....
> --
> Lose wait. Get Gentoo.
Received on Mon Dec 28 15:39:06 2009