On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 07:45:37PM +0100, Thomas Weber wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 26.11.2009, 19:01 +0100 schrieb Marc Chantreux:
> The name is what you would use as an ip alias / label for that secondary
> interface that gets created when you start the vserver.
> set it to XXX and
> ip addr ls | grep XXX
> will show you.
Thanks for your reply. so what's the point naming an interface "1" as
written in the doc ?
i mean: it would be much esier for me if every hosts have a virt0
interface. is there performance issue or something i missed ?
-- Marc Chantreux BibLibre, expert en logiciels libres pour l'info-doc http://biblibre.comReceived on Thu Nov 26 19:31:34 2009