Am Freitag, den 02.10.2009, 13:30 +0200 schrieb Herbert Poetzl:
> On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 11:10:03AM +0200, Gerardi wrote:
> > Hello,
> > has anyone tried vserver with ubuntu 9.10
> probably, any specific issues you encounter or just
> asking around before you start?
We will try next week. As we had some trouble with upstart and
other aplications we thourgth it was worth a question.
Thank you for the fast answer.
> > btw. has anyone used vserver together with upstart ?
> for an init based guest (style = plain) it should
> be no problem to run any init, including upstart
> best,
> Herbert
> if you or your company use and like the Linux-VServer project,
> why not consider donating hardware or money, or getting a
> service contract with the developers to ensure that it will
> live on and continue to provide high quality free software?
> > Martin
-- spirito GmbH Martin Gerardi Otawistrasse 19 D-47249 Duisburg fon: +49-203-3187777 eMail: web: Amtsgericht Duisburg HRB 9304 Geschäftsführer Martin Gerardi Wichtiger Hinweis: E-Mails können leicht verfälscht oder unter fremdem Namen erstellt werden. Zu Ihrer und unserer Sicherheit schließen wir die rechtliche Verbindlichkeit des vorstehenden Inhaltes aus, mithin dient der Versand von E-Mails ausschließlich dem Informationsaustausch. Bitte senden Sie in Ihrem eigenen Interesse keine E-Mails in fristgebundenen Sachen.Received on Fri Oct 2 14:01:33 2009