Re: [vserver] vs2.2.0.7 + GrSec : PHP Memory leak [SOLVED]

From: Romain Riviere <>
Date: Wed 30 Sep 2009 - 17:07:03 BST
Message-Id: <>


Le 30 sept. 2009 à 08:26, neo futur a écrit :
>> Did you report it back to the grsecurity maintainers?
> I asked spender and he he added a comment on
> seems its more of a SEGMEXEC feature than a bug :
> "Due to VMA mirroring, the SEGMEXEC option causes accounted vm usage
> to double. So you weren't experiencing a memory leak -- you were just
> being accounted for twice as much memory as you thought you were
> using.
> The solution would be to double the resource limit or, if your
> system is
> NX-capable and PAE is enabled, use PAGEEXEC.
> -Brad"

I commented back. As much as I understand the VMA mirrorring thing, I
don't understand how it explains the bug at hand.


Received on Wed Sep 30 17:07:26 2009

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