Re: [vserver] Debian Support

From: <>
Date: Wed 30 Sep 2009 - 09:21:12 BST
Message-ID: <>

Quoting "Dallas Kashuba" <>:

>> as soon as i have some time i will also post on the wiki an how to
>> to build easely a util-vserver tool package with daniel sources. If
>> i find a way to link with someone with a debian repository and a
>> way to cross build for various debian version we perhaps have a
>> solution for those who like you do not want to do the kernel dance
>> (for info the kernel build is like 10 line of shell to get a
>> package done the utils are harder).
> We can probably get a DreamHost server set up as a build system and
> debian package repository, if that's of interest. I think somebody
> on this list has already been hosting some kernel packages so that
> might be a good option as well.

I've already said I would like packaged versions of util-vserver and
can add them to the repository. If I can follow the
instructions that go up I will package util-vserver myself.

 From Ben Green
Received on Wed Sep 30 09:21:28 2009

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