I'm still quite new to this vserver-concept, so maybe I'm asking
a really stupid question, but I have a problem to understand how
networking between "host" and "guests" works. An example:
I have vserver-host, with IP,
and I have vserver-guest, with IP (running bind).
When I contact bind from vserver-host, in bind-logs I see:
".... queries: info: client query: ...."
Should not be there as client-IP? As I said,
I made this query from vserver-host which has IP
I see the same with ftp-server, which is running on different
vserver-guest (IP I made connection from host,
but in ftp-logs I see "...CONNECT: Client ""..."
BTW, this is only for host<->guest communication. Whenever
I connect from one guest to the other, there are correct
clients' IP-addresses in log...
It seems to me that for every connection from host, vserver-guest
is substituting host's IP with its own guest's IP. WHY???
Can I somehow force guests to use correct host's IP?
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