Hi Salva,
> > I have moved the Ubuntu binary kernel packages to the Ubuntu ppa
> > (private package archive) build service.
> >
> > If you are using those images you should probably update your sources
> > list entries.
> >
> > The ppa can be found here:
> > https://launchpad.net/~christoph-lukas/+archive/ppa
> >
> > But all necessary information can also be found on the wiki page:
> >
> > http://linux-vserver.org/Installation_on_Ubuntu
> >
> > I have also prepared binary kernel packages for the upcoming Ubuntu
> > Jaunty.
> I have been trying to create kernel packages for Ubuntu myself for a
> couple of days without success.
> I have been following the instructions available here:
> http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu
that howto describes building a kernel from vanilla kernel sources.
> The compilation process runs apparently without problems and the kernel
> package is generated, but when it is installed, all the kernel modules
> are pushed into the initrd image and later, that makes the boot fails
> because of its huge size. I have been able to workaround this issue
> setting MODULES=list in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf. But I want
> the generated packages to be as close as the standard ones from Ubuntu
> as possible...
The packages I have built are based on the mainline ubuntu kernel source
from which the -generic, -server and other flavours are generated.
If you run
apt-get source linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic
and download the diff.gz and .dsc files from the ppa a
debdiff linux_2.6.27-11.27.dsc linux-2.6.27-11.27~ppa2.dsc
shows you what I have changed exactly.
> So, I would really apreciate if you could describe the procedure you
> have used or if you just give me some pointers in the right direction
Hope this helps,
Received on Mon Mar 30 14:34:08 2009