Re: [vserver] Q. about scheduling parameters and HARD_SCHED

From: Michael S. Zick <>
Date: Sat 28 Mar 2009 - 19:25:51 GMT
Message-Id: <>

On Sat March 28 2009, Markus Fischer wrote:
> Hi,
> Michael S. Zick wrote:
> > And in answer to my own question - -
> > Yes you are running a 32bit host kernel on a 64bit host machine.
> > That should not be a problem - but you could run a 64bit kernel.
> > (and still run either 32bit or 64bit guests)
> >
> > I do that myself (uname -a):
> > Linux wolf-c2q #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 21 12:21:07 CST 2008 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
> > (note the x86_64 which some distro's have adopted over the older "amd64" tag)
> I've to confess that I just can't remember it anymore, whether it was
> deliberate or not to *not* install a 64bit kernel.
> It's probably getting completely offtopic now, but I guess I can't just
> upgrade the kernel in-place because my system has no 64bit libraries and
> I would need to re-install from scratch to have everything running
> smooth ... ?

Not entirely off topic - cpu scheduling might differ between single and multiple
processor package installation (I don't expect that it would, but. . .)

It also might make a difference running a 32bit kernel on 64bit hardware -
Again, it should not, but. . .

You would have to do a complete distribution upgrade - whatever that means for
your setup - of course, if your host context is only running sshd and iptables
it might be quick and easy (the guests will never notice - except for the restarts).

As to your original question - I can't help - never needed to use the feature -
not enough load on a personal development machine to make much difference.

This system (very performance similar to yours) can rebuild the host 64bit Gentoo
and a guest 32bit Gentoo (both @ -j5) without hardly even turning up its fan speed.
(While I also watch streaming HDMI video on it.)

You might want to try just disabling all L-VS scheduling and let the kernel just "deal with it". ;)
It takes an awful big work load to slow one of these things down.

> thx,
> - Markus
Received on Sat Mar 28 19:26:15 2009

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