On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 08:49:18PM +0100, Remigiusz Modrzejewski wrote:
> Wednesday 18 of March 2009 12:48:10 Herbert Poetzl napisa??(/a):
> > thanks for the info, and sorry for the late reply
> > Linux-VServer did register as organization with GSoC
> > at the earliest possible time. the ideas suggested can
> > be found here: http://linux-vserver.org/GSoC_Ideas
> That's cool news. And three of the ideas sound real cool for me :)
> One single idea that I had for GSoC project was: making the hard
> links breaking work in a fashion that keeps the files hardlinked
> inside a guest.
you mean, keep two (or more) hard links 'inside' a guest
hard linked while breaking them from the other hard links
'outside' the guest?
> But I lost touch, maybe that's been done already, or is too trivial?
if it is what I think, it would be quite difficult to
accomplish, if not, please elaborate ...
> > we'll see what the GSoC folks decide soon ...
> I'll keep my fingers crossed.
didn't help :/
Linux-VServer got rejected as Mentoring Organization for
GSoC, maybe more luck next year ...
but don't let that stop you from having good ideas and/or
doing some Linux-VServer work :)
> Pozdrawiam,
> Remigiusz 'lRem' Modrzejewski
> --
> Cz??onek Ko??a Naukowego Sfera
> Administrator sphere.pl
> JID: lrem@maxnet.org.pl
> http://lrem.net
Received on Thu Mar 19 23:38:34 2009