James Miller wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to query the list before attempting this to make sure I'm on
> the right track. I have a vserver mother host and 2 running guest.
> The mother host has a ~100Gig free logical volume. I want to mount
> that partition on one of the running guests.
> Would this be the correct command to run?:
> vnamespace -e <running_guest1> mount -t ext3 --rbind /dev/vg01/space
> /vservers/<running_guest1>/space
> What would the /etc/vserver/<running_guest1>/fstab line look like?
> /dev/vg01/space /space ext3 defaults 0 0
> Thanks,
> Jim
Hello all,
I'm not sure, but I never did see anyone comment on my question.
Is this the correct correct line to mount a partition on a running guest?
Received on Wed Jun 18 20:24:27 2008