Oliver Welter wrote:
> Hi Peter
>>> I am running Gentoo and guest its one of the most "bleeding edge"
>>> distros out there and even they dont support such stuff in the mainline.
>> Surely Gentoo and CentOS both have the iproute tools readily available, no?
>> That should be enough to make source routing possible...
> Sure they have support for recent iproute tools in the distro but the
> network scripts are unable to deal with sourcerouting per default so you
> always have to hack something together...
Because source routing is not something that vast majority of deployed
systems use. It is also something you do not want to do by default.
After all, generally there is just one default route.
The ip tool has been in distributions like Debian since appearance of
2.6 and even before that. It is just a current generation ip tool that
replaces obsolete stuff like ifconfig.
- Adam
Received on Sat Jan 5 21:32:16 2008