I did find SYS_NICE, which gets rid of the Operation not permitted and
allows the program to function properly. I wonder if I should be
adjusting any scheduler parameters for the context though?
On 10/17/07, Dennis Muhlestein <djmuhlestein@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a process in a guest that is attempting to set it's priority to
> real time with the system call:
> sched_setscheduler(0, spolicy, &sp)
> The operation failes with "Operation not permitted"
> Is there a way I make this work in the guest? I think I'd need to
> tweak scheduler parameters for the guest and possibly give some
> capability to the guest but my searching thus far has failed to yield
> the answer.
> Thanks
> Dennis
-- You can see what's happening at http://muhlesteins.comReceived on Wed Oct 17 13:10:25 2007