> I'm building a new server and will be shuffling over some older vserver
> images, plus building some new images.
> Has anyone experimented with baselayout-2 under vserver and if so how
> does it all work out?
Yes I'm successfully using gentoo vservers with baselayout-2. Apart from
some cosmetic startup error messages, it seems to work fine.
> Previously there was a special vserver image with
> special init scripts, but it was mentioned that these would all be
> rolled into the new baselayout and hence I am rather assuming that
> baselayout 2 will work out of the box as a vserver guest?
> Any tips on bootstrapping up to this level? Any general comments from
> any gentoo-ers?
Start with a stage tarball from hollow's site [1] and update to the
latest baselayout afterwards:
Make sure that you unmask and set the proper keyword (here for x86) for
the latest baselayout:
echo "~sys-apps/baselayout-2.0.0_rc3 ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
echo "=sys-apps/baselayout-2.0.0_rc3" >> /etc/portage/package.unmask
emerge sys-apps/baselayout -va
Don't forget to update your config files afterwards (via etc-update or
[1] http://people.linux-vserver.org/~hollow/stages/
Received on Tue Aug 21 10:05:00 2007