Markus Fischer escribi�:
> without much thinking about it I put all my vserver configuration into
> suibversion yesterday (actually my whole /etc/ dir).
> When I now start up the server (only get this on startup) I see:
> dev:~# vserver testing01 start
> WARNING: '/etc/vservers/testing01/.svn/text-base/vdir.svn-base' does not
> end on newline
> WARNING: '/etc/vservers/testing01/.svn/text-base/cache.svn-base' does
> not end on newline
> WARNING: '/etc/vservers/testing01/.svn/text-base/run.svn-base' does not
> end on newline
> It seem it's using some globing mechanisum and finds the .svn and tries
> to find certain files in it (vdir, cache, run?). There are actually many
> more files inside but only those get reported.
> Is there a way to avoid this? Does it harm?
Looks like vserver-tools are working with all the 'hidden' directories in your vserver...
perhaps here you should make an 'svn export' to avoid this or contact to the vserver-tools
mantainer and fill a bug.
Received on Fri Aug 3 11:56:03 2007