Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 06:03:41PM +0900, JMDK wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have successfully compiled a debian linux-2.6.21 kernel with vserver
>> 2.2.0 and util-vserver 0.30.212 for the arm-based NSLU2. Both packages
>> install fine and running the testme.sh script returns only successes.
> you might want to get the latest util-vserver version
> (0.30.213 and soon 0.30.214) and test with that too
> (maybe also including extended tests with testme.sh
> and testfs.sh), but it basically looks fine ...
Right, I compiled and installed util-vserver 0.30.213, and ran testme.sh
and testfs.sh as follows:
testme.sh -v -d- L
testfs.sh -v -x -y -z -F ext3 -D /dev/loop/0 -M /mnt
Both scripts returned successes on every tests.
>> I however saw in the compilation logs the following warning: "syscall
>> arch arm not tested yet".
> yep, once we can confirm that it works as expected,
> we can remove that (and you can help to do so :)
That is precisely why I asked!
>> Does someone know which tests should be run to ensure no problems are
>> caused by syscall and vserver works properly on arm-based computers?
> see above, and of course, a successful guest startup
> and shutdown is a very good test too :)
I created a test vserver and could start, enter and stop it without
problem. I did not put it to serious use though. I will let you and the
list know once I get that far.
> best,
> Herbert
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Joseph
Received on Thu Aug 2 11:46:59 2007