I've updated the wiki with information that seems to work for me...
"You can subscribe by emailing vserver-request@list.linux-vserver.org
with subject 'subscribe'. To unsubscribe just send the email with
subject 'unsubscribe'. You must send the email from the address you
are subscribed as, and look out for the confirm message that will be
sent back to you from the list. Once you confirm you will either be
subscribed or unsubscribed."
I just subscribed myself to the list using this method a few weeks
ago. And I just tested unsubscribe and it also seems to work (it
sends a confirm message but I didn't confirm).
I'm just another subscriber like you guys and I figured this out
through some trial and error, and a little knowledge of Mailman.
Somebody really should fix the web interface, but the email interface
seems to be fully functional.
On Jul 16, 2007, at 12:57 AM, Eddy Vervest wrote:
> and unsubscribe?
> Please, get me of this list.
> Eddy
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi,
>> just testing if list subscription properly works contrary what the
>> Wiki
>> tries to tell.
>> cheers,
>> - - Markus
Vserver mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 16 17:32:14 2007