Lyn St George wrote:
> I have scripts that run from the host and restart daemons
> inside vservers, using suexec. Eg:
> /usr/sbin/vserver {name} suexec {user} {cmd}
Is user a username or a uid?
> These worked fine with 30.309 tools and 2.6.14 kernel.
> Now, with kernel, 2.2.0-rc10 patch and
> 30.212 tools, the suexec no longer works and stays as root
> resulting in failed commands.
I think it's the other way around. If you answered username above, your
old utils would've run the command as root, while 0.30.211 fixes this to
understand usernames and bail out if it's not a number nor a valid
> I see nothing in the changelog or docs about a change.
> Is this another bug?
Seems to work fine here, and this hasn't changed since 0.30.211:
[root@capricciosa ~]# vserver --version
vserver 0.30.213-rc1 -- manages the state of vservers
This program is part of util-vserver 0.30.213-rc1
Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005 Enrico Scholz
This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License. This program has absolutely no warranty.
[root@capricciosa ~]# vserver fc6 suexec apache id
uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache)
[root@capricciosa ~]# vserver fc6 suexec pdns id
uid=100(pdns) gid=101(pdns) groups=101(pdns)
[root@capricciosa ~]# grep pdns /etc/passwd
[root@capricciosa ~]# grep pdns /vservers/fc6/etc/passwd
pdns:!!:100:101:PowerDNS user:/:/sbin/nologin
-- Daniel Hokka Zakrisson _______________________________________________ Vserver mailing list on Fri Feb 9 17:06:43 2007