Dear Herbert, hi all,
> how, and what partition is related to what vroot device?
The partition /dev/mapper/lvm-vweb_home is related to the guest's device
/vservers/web/dev/hdv4 via /dev/vroot/vweb4
> does /dev/hdv4 exist and is it the proper vroot device?
HOST:~# ls -al /dev/vroot/
brw-r--r-- 1 root root 4, 5 Dec 23 19:15 vweb4
The block device is copied from the host system's /dev/vroot/vweb4 using
vrsetup /dev/vroot/vweb4 /dev/mapper/lvm-vweb_home;
cp -fa /dev/vroot/vweb4 /vservers/web/dev/hdv4;
web:/# ls -al /dev/
brw-r--r-- 1 root root 4, 5 Dec 23 19:15 hdv4
>> but then "quotaon -a" leads to: quotaon: using /home/aquota.user
>> on /dev/hdv4 [/home]: Operation not permitted
> most likely means one of the folling:
> - you didn't give the quota capability to the guest
> - you didn't mount the filesystem with quota support
HOST:~# cat /etc/vservers/web/ccapabilites
^^ this is a blank line ;-)
HOST:/# cat /etc/vservers/web/apps/init/mtab
/dev/hdv4 /home ufs defaults,noexec,nosuid,usrquota 0 0
HOST:~# mount
/dev/mapper/lvm-vweb_home on /vservers/web/home type ext3 \
web:/# mount
/dev/hdv4 on /home type ufs (defaults,noexec,nosuid,usrquota)
Am I missing something?
At least as far as I can see, the settings of grsec should permit the
usage of quota. Btw, quota on the partition beeing run from the host
system works. (But I didn't find a way to pass the guest's passwd to the
host's quota-tools as a first workaround.)
> well, I think it would require some dedication, but
> I also think that the demand is not really there ATM
> a few weeks ago, somebody started to test context quota
> and AFAIK, the entire testing was put on hold again ...
> so unless somebody (or even better, a bunch of folks)
> starts to do serious testing there, I'm still inclined
> to removing the entire context quota stuff from the
> kernel patches ...
> note: that will still allow to have per partition quota
> as you described it above, only shared quota on a common
> partition (shared between guests) will not work
Alright, thanks for clearification!
kind regards,
Vserver mailing list
Received on Tue Dec 26 13:42:23 2006