>>>> So I want to build a Virtual LAN ( different from my take on a
>>>> VLAN ) with virtual NICs.
>>>> Basically the traffic never hits the physical LAN/WAN.
>>>> That make sense?
> yes, and it is a typical Linux-VServer case
>>>> IS it possible?
> yes, of course, you do not even need to make
> special preparations or modifications
>>>> If so what what should I be looking for in my research?
>>> Yes it is possible, with the dummy net interface.
> sorry, that is misinformation
Uuhm, I'm sorry :( I was too fast with replying and furthermore misinterpreted
the question.
That's why I've tried to clarify it in my second mail, however Herbert did a
much better job than I ;)
Thanks Herbert and sorry for confusing you Rod!
Vserver mailing list
Received on Wed Nov 29 08:48:56 2006