On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 04:28:47PM -0800, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> Christian Affolter wrote:
>> Hi!
>>> I build and use vservers where the guests need to cooperate with
>>> each other. That is, a system with with guests running Postfix,
>>> PostgreSQL, or Apache ( multiple guests as they are mod_perl
>>> driven ) and they all need to communicate with each other.
>>> So I want to build a Virtual LAN ( different from my take on a
>>> VLAN ) with virtual NICs.
>>> Basically the traffic never hits the physical LAN/WAN.
>>> That make sense?
yes, and it is a typical Linux-VServer case
>>> IS it possible?
yes, of course, you do not even need to make
special preparations or modifications
>>> If so what what should I be looking for in my research?
>> Yes it is possible, with the dummy net interface.
sorry, that is misinformation
>> You'll have to enable the dummy net driver support
>> (CONFIG_DUMMY=y) in your kernel.
that is neither required, nor does it make sense
to do so, because:
a) the traffic will never hit the dummy interface
(if it would, it would get lost, that's the
purpose of the dummy interface at all)
b) guest-guest and guest-host traffic will _always_
use the loopback interface (i.e. be local)
regardless of the interfaces carrying the ips
> Thanks Chris. Is there a way test for this?
configure two guests on separate private ips and
you will simply be able to conenct from one to
the other (the traffic will not leave the host)
> I could ask Daniel if it got set in the Fedora Core 5 RPMs
> he built but that would be _really_ lazy. :-)
as dummy is not required, whatever config the
kernel contains, it will work out of the box
> Rod
> --
> >
> >regards,
> >Chris
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