On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 09:16:48PM +1000, Russell Kliese wrote:
> I was just reading an article on kernel trap that raised some issues about
> linux-vservers: http://kerneltrap.org/node/6492 .
> In particular, the following denial of service attack from within a
> vserver seemed worrying because of it's simplicity.
> > run a program doing `mkdir("aaa"); chdir("aaa");' in a loop inside
> > Linux-VServer VPS and see what happens.
> Is there work being done to prevent such DoS attacks? I have to admit
> that I haven't tested this yet and it might just be FUD, but I thought
> that I might as well ask.
dentry limits in devel prevent this specific DoS
attack, but IMHO there will always be some way to
'hurt' a system which is based on resource sharing,
so the best approach is to apply some policy there
(e.g. three strikes and you're out)
> Russell
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