On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 04:11:26PM +0200, Christian Knauber wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> First of all, I wanted to say that I really like the Vserver project -
> so a great thanks to all of the contributors...
you're welcome, and sorry for the delay ...
> From the beginning I did have some troubles because there is no easy
> way to have a real network loopback device per server. For now I do
> use a really unsecure solution: just giving every server a distinct
> IP adress on the loopback device (yes every server can connect to the
> others through loopback but well this is a personnal server thing)
we are working on a smart way to provide guest with
a virtualized version of the loopback device, which
will solve this issues without providing a virtual
network interface
> At some time I tried to test the NGNET stuff, but never got it working.
> Then finally stopped searching...
> Now I've noticed the following things
> - NGNET stuff has been updated
> - there some delta-lo0.0x.diff files at
> http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Experimental/
> Could anybody, give a small update regarding the status of these things?
NGNET is still being delayed for various reasons, one
being the fact that there was a promise to sponsor it
but the potential sponsors did not hold it (yet),
another reason is the fact that mainline is working
on something similar and we do not want to waste the
scarce resources on a parallel development, finally
it seems like we could do really well without the
all-virtualized approach in 99% of all cases ...
so stay tuned, maybe have a chat on the channel if
you want to get more details ...
> Have a nice weekend,
> Christian
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Received on Sat May 20 15:19:06 2006