Fareha Shafique wrote:
> Corey Wright wrote:
>> storage space is conserved because files only exist in one place, but
>> are
>> referenced within multiple vservers though special hard links.
>> memory space is conserved because binaries and shared libraries (and any
>> item in the file cache, i suppose) only exist in memory once, though
>> many
>> vservers may be executing/using the file. the idea is to extend the
>> concept of "shared libraries" to vservers, so that just as a
>> shared library may be referenced by multiple applications and it only
>> exists in memory once, the same is true for a shared library
>> referenced by
>> multiple vservers (by way of vhashify).
>> all the examples i have seen enable vhashify for vserver guests, not the
>> host. i presume it is possible, but it is never applicable in my case
>> because hard links are only shared on a single filesystem (where i
>> mount my
>> host's executables/libraries on /usr and my vservers on /home).
>> hth.
>> corey
> Thanks, that explaination helps :)
> Now, is it only libraries and binaries that can be shared or can a
> vserver be an exact replica of the host.
Oh sorry, that was already answered. I guess anything on the filesystem
can be shared.
> How about if I want the filesystem of vserver vs1 to be an exact
> replica of the host, and only when I write/modify any file a local
> copy should be created for vs1 (using COW)? Is this possible?
Let me explain this better. Say I want to upgrade some software or
install new software on my host machine. Before doing this, I would like
to test the upgrade in an environment that is an exact replica of the
host machine. Is it possible to create a vserver identical to the host
so that it can be used as the test environment?
Vserver mailing list
Received on Tue May 9 19:03:25 2006