Some very nice ideas. I think a combination of the Linux Vserver on pg1 in
the middle (the one with the darker 'v' checkmark) and the logo on the
bottom left of the last page (pg. 11) would look perfect.
On 1/17/06, Joep Gommers <> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I realize its a bit late, Herbert pointed me towards a old post about
> logo's. I'm kinda in a rush, but spend a few minutes on some brainfarts for
> a VServer logo. Please take a look, and give your opinion. The logo's itself
> arent really logo's yet, just some ideas/feelings. Please tell me what pages
> or pictures you like, so i can continue with those. Ill be doing further
> design tomorrow.
> Thanks,
> Joep
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Received on Tue Jan 17 23:18:37 2006