On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 10:18:49AM +0100, Wilhelm Meier wrote:
> Hello,
> how do I setup fair share scheduling? I've read
> http://linux-vserver.org/Scheduler+Parameters
> and I understand, that if all contexts have running processes, the
> fillrate/fillinterval gives the "share" of cpu capacity the context
> gets (roughly, if you neglect the effect of the other parameters).
> But what happens, if only one context has running processes. Is this
> context then able to use the rest of cpu capacity, or is it waiting ?
the pages will be soon updated, the fair scheduling
is implemented in the 'new' scheduler present in
the development branch ... basically it adds a second
pair of interval/rate values, to 'adjust' the fair
sharing and avoid idle cpus (it is also per cpu)
> --
> Wilhelm Meier
> email: meier@informatik.fh-kl.de
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Received on Fri Jan 6 15:42:37 2006