I'm having an issue with some files (group owner) when migrating a vserver from a
2.4.30-vs1.2.10-vquota (GID24) system, ext3 partitions mounted with tagctx to the new system (GID24, util-vserver-0.30.209), ext3 partitions mounted with tagxid. The
context id is the same (fixed) on both systems.
When tarring the files on one vserver and untarring it on the new one, a few files have different
GID's. UID's are correct as far as I can see.
Same issue when using dump/restore to transfer the guest system to the new host. The only difference
is, that the GID is 16777214 on those files.
Running chxid with the desired context id from the hostsystem doesn't change anything.
Any hints? Am I missing anything?
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Received on Wed Dec 21 21:09:44 2005