From: Kevin Pendleton (
Date: Fri 22 Jul 2005 - 22:17:55 BST
Sorry, if it doesn't say this somewhere else - that is the list of rpms
installed when you just choose minimal during a normal install of the
OS. Obviously, not all of them are needed and can be adjusted by each
user. This gives the opposite approach from Enrico's option, which only
installs 5 packages or something like that.
Brian Ipsen wrote:
>>Sorry, just catching up on the ML. . .
>>You can use the how-to written for CentOS, another RHEL clone:
>Hmm.. The minimum-list, that the page refers to, looks quite big... Sure,
>that all those packages are needed ?
>"eject" and "setserial" could probably be omitted - maybe also several
>Otherwise a good link :-)
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